Ever heard of unique baby oils in Ayurveda? You might have heard some names like Eladi and Nalpamaradi oil in some articles or even as skin care oils. Know one of them deeply here – Nalpamaradi oil.
Nalpamaradi – the blend of Ficus species bark, turmeric like herbs and sesame or coconut oil base is plenty of nutrients and essential fatty acids for nurturing your little one.
Caring your baby naturally
You know, your baby needs warm care and protection; you even cover them with a soft blanket always when inside or carrying outside. What if they need an extra skin protection from infections and allergies?
One answer is Nalpmaradi oil. This oil has that power to balance increase or decrease in the body heat of the baby. For lustre of skin, Bhrajaka pitta (type of heat energy) is needed; this energy is provided by Nalpamaradi oil. Similarly, if your baby needs protection from excess heat and burning sensation in skin; here also Nalpamaradi does its work smoothly.
Nalpamaradi – nature's care
As you are part of nature, the herbs are also gifts from the mother nature. You as a mother want your baby to be well, right?
Mother nature also has all powers to protect us through the potency of wonderful medicines like Nalpmaradi oil.
Way forward to wellness
Nalpamaradi makes the skin soft like a feather and makes it glorious. It gives a yellowish tinge to skin, try adding Eladi Kera drops too with this oil while bathing your baby. Any wound or scar also gets reduced by Nalpamaradi , this oil is suitable even for adults for beginning an ideal skin care routine. Some says, external nourishment won't suffice. Why worry, take Turmeric capsules also along with the routine.
When Bipha Ayurveda has made all the medicines available for you, your wellness is well assured.
Get progressive in life. Be unstoppable with Ayurveda.