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Migraine relief through ayurveda

Migraine relief through ayurveda

Migraine care natural supplement for Migraine relief is a powerful daily herb developed by Bipha Ayurveda which can be taken to prevent and reduce symptoms related to Migraine. 

 One capsule twice a day before food is highly beneficial if you take it on a regular basis. Knowing how to tackle the pain is the most important aspect in curing your Migraine. Staying away from the triggering factors and adopting soothing diet and lifestyle changes enhances your speedy recovery.   

by Miriam Jojo on September 17, 2021
Immune power – A long term health investment

Immune power – A long term health investment

Healthy gut = Healthy you

Don’t wait until you feel the cough or sniffles. Instead, get on the offense and build your immune system today.  But for your health and the health of those around you, make sure you’re fully supercharged before you do.

by Miriam Jojo on August 27, 2021
How to fight Acne in Monsoon?

How to fight Acne in Monsoon?

Monsoon season can take a toll in your skin care routine. But with these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to keep your complexion healthy and clear during the rainy season and any other time of year and help you formulate a skin care routine that is just as unique as you are.
by Miriam Jojo on August 24, 2021
Epic Ayurvedic Beauty Gift Packs

Epic Ayurvedic Beauty Gift Packs

Significance of Ayurveda 

Ayurveda provides therapeutic options for a variety of common disorders, including food allergies, for which there are few current treatments. However, it's important to remember that Ayurvedic diet isn't a sudden solution that works without the patient's active participation. It is a user-friendly and instructional interactive system. It trains the sufferer to be self-sufficient and responsible. Ayurveda is not a diet for individuals looking for an escape or an excuse to continue abusing their bodies or minds. It's a system for self-determination, independence, and longevity. Ayurveda Skin care and Ayurveda products related help the skin and hair to become healthier and smoother. 

by Miriam Jojo on August 19, 2021



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